Pool Algae

What is Algae? Algae are tiny plants that thrive in untreated water. You can spot their presence by the slimy layer they form on the pool’s sides and floor, which gradually turns the water cloudy. They especially flourish under intense sunlight, which not only...

Pool Chemicals

This article serves as a concise guide to understanding the most common pool maintenance chemicals and their crucial roles.   Chlorine: The fundamental role of chlorine is to sanitize pool water, preventing the growth of algae and bacteria. Without it, pools can...

Pool Maintenance Guide

Maintaining your swimming pool properly involves three crucial categories. Performing all three is key to ensuring your pool stays in great shape.   Chemical Balance: Test and adjust your pool’s chemical levels regularly to maintain balanced water...

Variable Speed Pool Pumps

What is a Variable Speed Pool Pump? Traditional single-speed pool pumps operate at one constant speed – “high speed”. This means they always run at their maximum capacity regardless of the actual needs of your pool. On the other hand, variable speed pumps...

Automatic Pool Vacuums

Why Suction-side Automatic Vacuums are Essential: Utilizing a suction-side automatic pool vacuum is highly recommended for the best pool experience. These vacuums operate based on the suction generated by the main filter, ensuring a thorough cleaning of the pool...

How to Clean Your Pool Filter

Maintaining a sparkling clean pool doesn’t just involve removing leaves and debris; ensuring your pool filter is in optimal condition is essential for a clear and healthy swimming environment. Here’s a comprehensive guide to cleaning different types of...